Value Statement

Our core values are summarized by the acronym “Let Us Go In

Love Walk: We conduct all the affairs of the Men of Faith with the motivation of God’s love according to 1 Corinthians 13. Strive and divisions will not be tolerated.

Empowerment: Everything we do at the Men of Faith is aimed at empowering people to fulfill their callings. We contribute to the successes of everyone and never to anyone’s failure.

Truth in Humility: We speak the truth to one another without pretense with an attitude of humility.

Unity in Diversity: We always conduct the affairs of the Men of Faith recognizing the fact that the body of Christ is a diverse body, consisting of various ethnic groups, gifts, economic levels, ministry styles and denominations. We practice the non-discriminatory inclusion of everyone, maintaining the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. We recognize that  unity is not uniformity or similarity but a spiritual connection in diversity.

Spirituality: The Men of Faith is a Christ-centered spiritual gathering. We are not a secular organization. We seek to glorify Christ and extend his kingdom in all we do.

Global Vision: We are a global organization. We conduct our affairs to be effective both locally and globally.

Order: We value order and decency in all our affairs (meetings, relationship, families and operations.

Integrity: We practice integrity in all areas: sexual, financial, doctrinal and otherwise.